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Art Classes for Children

It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child”

– Pablo Picasso

Blue Palette Art Studio Kid’s Art Classes 2024

Discover Your Child’s Creativity Through Art!

Inspiring art lessons for kids in Wimbledon and Kingston Upon Thames, where young artists can develop their creativity and artistic skills in a fun and engaging environment.

Book your child’s free tri­al art class today!

Choose a loca­tion image but­ton below to get started!

The ben­e­fits of art for chil­dren are man­i­fold. It is a great stress buster; encour­ages a growth mind­set, cre­ative think­ing and prob­lem solv­ing; devel­ops fine motor skills and helps chil­dren to be more pro­duc­tive, calm and focused.

I teach art for chil­dren Ages (5–15) after school. My class­es are a mix of tra­di­tion­al art tech­niques com­bined with a con­tem­po­rary approach that is enjoy­able, acces­si­ble and fun for all ages. Each term we focus on a new theme. We explore dif­fer­ent media and tech­niques using a step-by-step approach, to ensure that the chil­dren devel­op a range of artis­tic skills. The groups are always small to ensure that chil­dren get indi­vid­ual atten­tion. The aim of my class­es is to nur­ture cre­ativ­i­ty in chil­dren in a hap­py relaxed environment.

Class Information

  • Class­es held Mon – Tue
  • Term time only
  • Venues:

[a] Lantern Arts Cen­ter, Tolverne Road, Raynes Park SW20 8RA

[b] Scout Hut, Park Road, Kingston-Upon-Thames KT2 5LY

  • For course dates and tim­ings, please email / call Sai:
    mobile: 07738712384

You will learn

  • Obser­va­tion­al drawing
  • Pen­cil sketching
  • Pen and ink
  • Water­colours
  • Acrylics
  • Mixed media and Collage
  • Prin­ci­ples of Art

My daugh­ter Amber has been going to Sai’s art class­es for a cou­ple of years now.  She absolute­ly loves it and it’s her favourite after school activ­i­ty.  The work Amber has pro­duced has been real­ly impres­sive. Sai teach­es a huge­ly diverse range of tech­niques. With most pieces being a com­bi­na­tion of lay­ered process­es which are devel­oped over a num­ber of weeks. The out­come is often extra­or­di­nary.   I have framed quite a few of her best pieces which are proud­ly dis­played in our house.”


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Sai is a great teacher.  She has giv­en Chris­tine new con­fi­dence… my daugh­ter has made amaz­ing progress in a short space of time, and, best of all, she real­ly enjoys the lessons with Sai. We are very glad to have found such a great teacher for Chris­tine and would high­ly rec­om­mend her to others.” 

- Car­ol 

One of the high­lights of Sai’s art class is the annu­al Sum­mer Exhi­bi­tion.  The chil­dren have the fan­tas­tic oppor­tu­ni­ty to pub­licly dis­play their best pieces.  Includ­ing a giant col­lab­o­ra­tive work by all the stu­dents which nor­mal­ly takes up an entire wall in the gallery.  The chil­dren real­ly enjoy the pri­vate view­ing when they can show us all the work they have been work­ing so hard to pro­duce over the year.  And it’s a love­ly oppor­tu­ni­ty for us par­ents to glow with pride!” 

- N. Dobson

Children’s Exhibition July 2023

The envi­ron­ment Sai pro­vides for every­one to devel­op their art skills is a warm and wel­com­ing. The class­es have been valu­able for chan­nel­ing my daughter’s emo­tion­al needs, and enhanc­ing her cre­ativ­i­ty. I have been amazed at my daugh­ters pro­gres­sion, and I am grate­ful for Sai’s con­tin­ued sup­port and guidance.”

- Danielle

I enjoy all the top­ics we cov­er and have improved my art skills using dif­fer­ent medi­ums such as pas­tels and water colours. I have real­ly loved cal­lig­ra­phy writ­ing. Thank you Sai!”

- Isabel­la

From my first les­son up until now, it’s been an absolute­ly amaz­ing artis­tic jour­ney with Sai! I look for­ward to my les­son every week and enjoy every minute of it! Sai always encour­ages me to be more cre­ative and has taught me how to work beyond my com­fort zone.”

- Jyot­sna

Class Portfolio

My daugh­ter has been under Sai’s guid­ance for 3+ years. Sai encour­ages kids to try new things look­ing beyond their com­fort zone, with a pos­i­tive approach. It has been real­ly excit­ing for my daugh­ter to show­case her works in the annu­al art exhi­bi­tion with the class. The group is so relaxed and friend­ly, a real stress buster for my child. Recent­ly my younger one has also joined Sai’s art lessons and absolute­ly enjoy­ing it.” 

- Aarthi

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