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UK main­land orders over £40 qual­i­fy for free Stan­dard deliv­ery. UK main­land orders under £40 will incur a deliv­ery charge of between £1.90 and £5.90 depend­ing on the weight for Stan­dard deliv­ery. Express deliv­ery is £6.90.

Stan­dard deliv­ery is sent Roy­al Mail 2nd class untracked (Roy­al Mail quotes 3–5 days from dis­patch but could take up to 15 work­ing days before it is con­sid­ered lost in tran­sit). Express deliv­ery is sent with DPD (typ­i­cal­ly next work­ing day for orders received before 12pm but please note this is not guar­an­teed) with a 1hr deliv­ery win­dow advised to your direct­ly by text and/or email. Please con­tact us before your order if you require deliv­ery on or by a spe­cif­ic day so that we can best advise you.

Please make sure that the ship­ping address is cor­rect as we’re unable to redi­rect orders once they are on their way to you. If you have giv­en us an incom­plete address, the wrong address or if you are not in when deliv­ered and do not col­lect the par­cel from your local depot we will need to charge you to reship your item once returned to us. We aim to despatch all Stan­dard orders with­in 48 hours of being received. Express orders are shipped the same day if received before 12pm. We dis­patch orders on week­days only.

If you sus­pect a lost deliv­ery please con­tact us quot­ing your name, order num­ber and full address and we will look into it for you straight away. Roy­al Mail does not con­sid­er a par­cel lost until 15 work­ing days after postage for UK deliv­er­ies, and up to 20 work­ing days for inter­na­tion­al orders. We can­not claim the deliv­ery lost, and there­fore refund you or send replace­ments, until that time has passed.


Deliv­ered when you’re not at home?

Roy­al Mail or DPD should leave you a card let­ting you know that a deliv­ery has been attempt­ed. The card will have detailed instruc­tions inform­ing you on how to obtain your par­cel. You will have a spec­i­fied peri­od from the date of attempt­ed deliv­ery to rearrange deliv­ery, after this date items will auto­mat­i­cal­ly be returned to us. If the item is returned to us in this way, we will need to charge for re-post­ing the item to you.  To avoid delays in deliv­er­ing your par­cel, we rec­om­mend hav­ing your item shipped to your day­time address, for exam­ple, your work address.


Col­lect From Store

You can now make an order through our web­site and col­lect your items in store for free by select­ing ‘Col­lect From Our Lon­don Shop’ at the check­out. Please note that you can only select the ship­ping method after you have pro­vid­ed your ship­ping address. ‘Col­lect From Our Lon­don Shop’ is the default ship­ping option. Please take extra care when plac­ing your order to make sure you choose the cor­rect ship­ping method. By pro­vid­ing your deliv­ery address, this does not auto­mat­i­cal­ly mean your order will be dis­patched to you.

If an order is col­lect­ed by couri­er, it is your respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure the goods arrive with you safely.

Col­lect From Store order will be held for a max­i­mum of 3 months from order.

Our returns pol­i­cy on Col­lect From Store items begins from the day you place your order and our auto­mat­ic order con­fir­ma­tion email is sent.



We use Roy­al Mail Air­mail for all over­seas postage. Please note this is not a track­able service.

If you order is more than 2kg, we may not be able to ship it.

Deliv­er­ies with­in Europe usu­al­ly take 3–7 work­ing days to arrive, but can take up to one month. Deliv­ery dates depend on your coun­try’s postal service.

Deliv­er­ies out­side Europe usu­al­ly take 5–10 work­ing days to arrive. But it can take up to one month. Deliv­ery dates depend on your coun­try’s postal ser­vice. You may be charged a fee by your local cus­toms office. You can check this with your coun­try’s cus­toms office.

We deliv­er to most major world­wide countries.