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Art Jour­nal­ing

To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow”

– Kurt Vonnegut

Art Jour­nal­ing is a fun and sim­ple way to incor­po­rate cre­ativ­i­ty into every­day life. An art jour­nal is a great place to exper­i­ment and try out dif­fer­ent approach­es to art with­out the pres­sure of cre­at­ing a mas­ter­piece. It is an artis­tic form of self-expres­sion – instead of using words alone; you will be using var­i­ous media and dif­fer­ent art tech­niques to express your creativity.

In a busy world, large­ly dri­ven by tech­nol­o­gy, tak­ing time to be cre­ative can often seem friv­o­lous and indul­gent. But stud­ies show that cre­ative activ­i­ties encour­age pos­i­tiv­i­ty and sig­nif­i­cant­ly improve our well­be­ing. Art jour­nal­ing is a sim­ple and effec­tive way to de-stress and prac­tice self-care.

From sim­ple mark mak­ing to more elab­o­rate mixed media art, you will learn var­i­ous new skills; gain con­fi­dence in your artis­tic abil­i­ty and devel­op a fresh, mind­ful approach to art­mak­ing that is both enrich­ing and nour­ish­ing. Whether you have five min­utes or half an hour to spare, Art jour­nal­ing will inspire you to be cre­ative and recon­nect with yourself.

You will learn

  • How to over­come the blank page syndrome
  • How to cre­ate beau­ti­ful backgrounds
  • Water­colour techniques
  • Acrylics and Mixed media techniques
  • Basic drawing/doodling skills
  • Col­lage Techniques
  • Cre­ative Lettering
  • Colour the­o­ry and composition
  • How to choose your art supplies