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Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time”

- Thomas Merton

Hello! I’m Sai

I am a teaching artist, art historian, avid art journaler and calligrapher all rolled into one. 

About Me

My Experience

Over the past two decades I have immersed myself in var­i­ous cre­ative pur­suits rang­ing from typog­ra­phy to tex­tile design; stained glass design projects to bespoke cal­lig­ra­phy. As a for­mer Uni­ver­si­ty lec­tur­er (many moons ago), I dis­cov­ered my love for teach­ing and learn­ing. My thirst for knowl­edge and the desire to push my bound­aries led to a PhD in Maya Art.

My Story

Fol­low­ing a per­son­al loss in 2015, I unin­ten­tion­al­ly returned to my cre­ative roots through Art Jour­nal­ing and Cal­lig­ra­phy. I realised that doing some­thing cre­ative had a sig­nif­i­cant impact on improv­ing my emo­tion­al well­be­ing. It was an epiphany of sorts that has changed my life as well as my approach to art-mak­ing. I start­ed teach­ing art for chil­dren (Ages 6–16), as well as Art Jour­nal­ing and Mod­ern Cal­lig­ra­phy for adults.


My Goal

As a teach­ing artist, I am con­stant­ly expand­ing my own cre­ative jour­ney and refin­ing my skills. I focus on the process of cre­at­ing rather than the out­come. Mind­ful­ness is a big part of my cre­ative prac­tice. Whether its just doo­dling in an Art Jour­nal or prac­tis­ing Cal­lig­ra­phy, I tru­ly believe in the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of art and its effect on our well­be­ing. My dream is to share this aware­ness with oth­ers and help peo­ple to recon­nect with their cre­ative self.

To find out more about my courses and workshops
