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Art Exhi­bi­tion Octo­ber 2023

A collaborative exhibition that celebrates creativity, friendship and community


At The Art Space, CASS ART, 103 Clarence St, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1 NW. Tel: 0208 541 5152

on Friday the 27th of Oct 2023 (4.00 – 5.30 pm) and Saturday, 28th of Oct 2023 (4.00 – 5.30 pm)

Lay­ers of light’ is a col­lab­o­ra­tive exhi­bi­tion show­cas­ing the works of a group of local artists and their cre­ative jour­ney through Art journaling.

This exhi­bi­tion is all about the joys of using Art as a form of self-expres­sion and expand­ing our artis­tic skills by explor­ing var­i­ous media. These art­works rep­re­sent the lights and darks of our cre­ative jour­ney. Light in this con­text, refers to the unlim­it­ed pos­si­bil­i­ties that each blank can­vas holds and dark involves embrac­ing the unknown and step­ping out of our com­fort zone, which often leads us back to the light.

Lay­ers of light’ is a cel­e­bra­tion of our week­ly cre­ative endeav­ors as well as the won­der­ful friend­ship and com­mu­ni­ty we have cre­at­ed togeth­er through art.

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The Artists


Please join us for a pri­vate view­ing of select­ed art­works by our fea­tured artists:

Michelle Mul­doon

Katia Har­vey

Joyce Austin

Valerie Hart

Sai Baner­jee

Angela Smith

Wendy East­land

Mike Dun­lop

Anne Daw­son-Moray

Alexan­dra Jones

Tues­day McNeill

Ger­ti Hofmeister-Biddles

Jonathan Per­rott

Tim Hoiles

Art Journaling for Wellbeing — Upcoming Weekly Drop-in Sessions

at Cass Art, Kingston

Art Journaling Drop-In Sessions — January 2025 Schedule

Sai’s cal­lig­ra­phy cours­es are struc­tured so that you grad­u­al­ly achieve a good stan­dard in mod­ern cal­lig­ra­phy and build up your skill & con­fi­dence. What is so nice is that Sai is very encour­ag­ing and fre­quent­ly shows us exam­ples of how she has learned her skill from prac­tice & hard­work. The class­es are infor­mal, fun and very much hands on. Anoth­er nice fea­ture is that the class­es are very ther­a­peu­tic & calm­ing and has not only helped me achieve my goals but also devel­op oth­er skills along the way. It has been a real joy to learn with Sai.”

- Sue

Sai has been a breath of fresh air in my life.  After los­ing my cre­ativ­i­ty, the Art Jour­nal­ing ses­sions have real­ly helped me to regain my cre­ativ­i­ty and con­fi­dence. Sai is patient, car­ing, and pas­sion­ate. She slow­ly lets you dis­cov­er your true poten­tial. The groups are wel­com­ing, help­ful and friend­ly, which was also very impor­tant to me.”

- Tiana

Art Journaling Drop-In Sessions — February 2025 Schedule

I love Sai’s Art Jour­nal­ing class­es, I’ve been com­ing to these class­es for over 2 years and the class is a high­light of my week. Sai is a very tal­ent­ed artist in her own right and I enjoy explor­ing new tech­niques and medi­ums with her. She has tak­en me out of my com­fort zone and renewed my love for art.” 

- Michelle

It all began with a half-day Mod­ern Cal­lig­ra­phy work­shop with Sai, now I’m hooked. I have done 2 Mod­ern Cal­lig­ra­phy cours­es to date, one begin­ners one inter­me­di­ate with Sai and can high­ly rec­om­mend it. Sai is patient, help­ful, relaxed and encour­ag­ing. I can­not rec­om­mend enough hav­ing a go and doing a course. I joined as a com­plete novice, who knows where it may take me !! I have already writ­ten some labels for my Son’s wedding!!”

- Joyce

Art Journaling Drop-In Sessions — March 2025 Schedule

Very much enjoy Sai’s Art Jour­nal­ing class­es.  A lot of tech­niques and new ideas – well taught in a friend­ly atmosphere.

Much appre­ci­ate pro­vi­sion of mate­ri­als and pay-as-you-go sys­tem for these sessions.”

- Katia 

Art Journaling — Beginner’s Workshop

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