Festive Flourishing Calligraphy


To Be Announced

Out of stock


Come and explore the mag­i­cal world of Off­hand flour­ish­ing with Sai, an expe­ri­enced Cal­lig­ra­ph­er and teach­ing artist, who will guide you through this workshop.

In the world of pen­man­ship, off­hand flour­ish­ing is the ulti­mate show­case of your cal­lig­ra­phy skills. It is an ancient cal­lig­ra­phy tech­nique, which involves draw­ing and cal­lig­ra­phy to pro­duce beau­ti­ful, intri­cate orna­men­tal flour­ish­es. When you look at a fin­ished piece, the flour­ish­es appear to be quite com­plex and elab­o­rate but the process of cre­at­ing off-hand flour­ish­ing is actu­al­ly quite sim­ple and struc­tured. There are no pre­lim­i­nary draw­ings to guide you. It is a free-hand draw­ing process, which is quite med­i­ta­tive and magical.

In this work­shop, you will learn step by step how to cre­ate intri­cate flour­ished designs and pro­duce stun­ning fes­tive cards and art­works that would make per­fect hand­made gifts this Christmas.

What to expect?

• We will cov­er the basics of point­ed pen cal­lig­ra­phy strokes fol­lowed by com­pound curves and cartouches.

• Once you become famil­iar with the beau­ti­ful pen strokes, you will learn the tech­nique of off­hand flour­ish­ing, which can be adapt­ed into any shape and design. Using this tech­nique you can cre­ate bespoke cards; embell­ish an enve­lope or cre­ate unique works of art that can be framed. The pos­si­bil­i­ties are endless.

• This work­shop is suit­able for all lev­els. Famil­iar­i­ty with using the dip pen would be help­ful but not compulsory.

• All mate­ri­als will be pro­vid­ed includ­ing a fes­tive cal­lig­ra­phy kit

• Refresh­ments included.

What is included?

• Your bespoke fes­tive Cal­lig­ra­phy kit, includes:

  • Straight pen­hold­er
  • Nikko‑G or Zebra‑G nib
  • Dr. PH Martin’s bleed proof white ink
  • Selec­tion of Claire­fontaine coloured paper and card
  • 3 hours of Cal­lig­ra­phy instruction
  • Expert tips and inspi­ra­tional project ideas to pur­sue your new skill on your own

If you have any ques­tions about the work­shop please feel free to email sai@bluepaletteartstudio.com

Please note: Please make sure you are able to attend the work­shop, before book­ing as refunds can­not be issued once the pay­ment is made. How­ev­er, you may be able to trans­fer to anoth­er course/ work­shop, sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty. (This does not affect your statu­to­ry rights)