Brush Pen Calligraphy (One-to-One)


Dates: January 2024

Timings: TBC

Venue: Live Online via Zoom

For further information please contact Sai:


mobile: 07738712384


In a world where com­mu­ni­ca­tion is large­ly dri­ven by tech­nol­o­gy, the art of writ­ing can often seem irrel­e­vant, but the beau­ty of a hand­writ­ten card or note is time­less. Come and explore the fun and fas­ci­nat­ing world of Brush pen Cal­lig­ra­phy with Sai, an expe­ri­enced Cal­lig­ra­ph­er and teach­ing artist, who will guide you through this one-to-one per­son­al­ized training.

Sai is pas­sion­ate about shar­ing the beau­ti­ful art of Cal­lig­ra­phy, not just for its aes­thet­ic val­ue, but because of its unique abil­i­ty to help us remain com­plete­ly focused and get into a mind­ful state of flow very quickly.

In this live one-to-one train­ing, you will learn the basics of hand let­ter­ing and Mod­ern Cal­lig­ra­phy using a brush pen. Brush pens are fun, ver­sa­tile, user-friend­ly and afford­able. This is an intro­duc­to­ry work­shop suit­able for com­plete begin­ners. No pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence required.

What to expect?

  • We will cov­er the basics of Mod­ern cal­lig­ra­phy and focus on cre­at­ing beau­ti­ful thick and thin strokes using your brush pen.
  • Once you become famil­iar with the pen strokes through prac­tice drills, you will learn how to cre­ate let­ter­forms (upper­case and low­er­case) step by step, fol­lowed by words and small phrases.
  • We will explore dif­fer­ent types of brush pens and learn how to add per­son­al style and flour­ish­es to your letters.
  • You will also be taught some inter­est­ing tips and hacks that will help you to progress with your Cal­lig­ra­phy prac­tice. There will be plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ty to prac­tice and for troubleshooting.
  • At the end of the train­ing you will cre­ate your own hand let­tered quote

If you always want­ed to try mod­ern cal­lig­ra­phy or sim­ply want to write beau­ti­ful­ly, this train­ing will intro­duce you to an amaz­ing life skill that is bound to spark your cre­ativ­i­ty and bring you joy.

Note: Please make sure you are able to attend the course before book­ing, as refunds can­not be issued once the pay­ment is made. How­ev­er, you may be able to trans­fer to anoth­er course/ work­shop, sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty. (This does not affect your statu­to­ry rights)


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